domingo, 12 de maio de 2013

*. Nosound .*

Album: Afterthoughts (2013)
Genre: Prog Rock (Crossover/Psych./Post/Ambient)  /  Italy

Afterthoughts (2013) is the band's fourth studio album and it was released on May 6th, but Giancarlo kindly contacted me and sent me the album a month before the official release for a review. The album was written in the past two years and it's the follow up for A Sense Of Loss (2009). Afterthoughts (2013) was released by Kscope and as usual with the label besides the normal edition the album will also be available in a double disc edition with a DVD-A/DVD-V with 5.1 surround high resolution mixes. Nosound has a particular sound, a kind of dreamy music if you like. This is the sound Kscope has released in their catalogue with names like Anathema, Steven Wilson, Amplifier, The Pineapple Thief and of course, Nosound. Their Progressive Rock is in a different place. You'll not find complex rhythm patterns, for example. Afterthoughts (2013) is all about atmosphere. 'In My Fears' is the first track, followed by 'I Miss The Ground' and 'Two Monkeys' and honestly it is hard to notice that the music changes. They have the same mood, the same sound and the melodies look pretty much alike. Drums in a Pink Floydish scheme, low tune bass, soft keyboards, guitars that hardly appear and vocals that are melodic and soft forge the band's sound. 'The Anger Sound' starts and it doesn't seem to change much, but it does. There's a bit more power in it. A bit more drums as well. If you have the last band's EP Afterthoughts (2013)you'll recognize this one. 'Encounter' changes the pace once again, the Marianne De Chastelaine cello appears once more and Marco Berni keyboards are more prominent too. 'She' is the sixth track and I have to say that besides the Nosound's music being attractive it begins to get a little bit too mellow. The middle instrumental section of the song is the best part here. 'Wherever You Are' is even more acoustic, with cello, soft keyboards and acoustic guitars in the initial part. Only in the middle it becomes more interesting with nice intricate drums. Wish the boys could use this path more often. 'Paralysed' is the longest on Afterthoughts (2013) with a bit more than 8 minutes. I have to say that the Nosound's formula gets a bit tiring at this point. Songs really look all the same. But one thing here's different! The great guitar solo around the second minute of the song. This could be used lot more on the album. The second part of the song is sung in Italian and it's a pretty interesting move. Nosound could certainly drink more of this water. Definitely the most interesting track on the album. 'Afterthought' closes the album as it began. Afterthoughts (2013) gives continuation on Nosound's music as a dreamy album that can be listened with your eyes closed. Well produced album with many interesting moments. Unfortunately the band has fallen in their own traps. Their music comes into a closed circle, doesn't go anywhere really and the tracks seems too similar. It's nice to listen to some tracks but can be a little obnoxious after some time. A professional album, and if you like dreamy albums and if you like the other band albums, you can go for it without any fears. Review by "ProgShine" (Prog Archives).

RATING:  8.25 / 10


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