domingo, 26 de maio de 2013

*. Gratto .*

Album: Anakin Tumnus (2002)
Genre: Prog Rock (Crossover/Eclectic/Heavy Prog)  /  USA

Gratto, this unknown band from progressive rock zone, even they had a great album released under their wings. The name of the band is taken from their leader, the keyboard player and vocalist John Gratto. The band releases only one album in 2002 at PMM (progressive music management), where were released another great albums from this field across the years, like - Hultberg/Rodler - Rh factor - 1998, Leger De Main, Mythologic, Razor Wire Shrine. The other three musicians involved in this project are the excellent Rodler brothers and Gary Madras, to me some of the most underrated musicians in the history of progressive music, they are killer musicians, on each instrument they play they bring intristing arrangements and very chalengic elements in the music. Gary Madras the bass player who made Hultberg/Rodler - Rh factor - 1998 the keybord part. So, the album named Anakin Tumnus is a killer one in my opinion, in same vein with Hultberg/Rodler - Rh factor - 1998, bordering progressive metal but without being metal entirely, on the eclectic side, haveing influences from Rush, King Crimson even some Marillion parts, but overall a great album I must tell you. The heavier parts are melted very well with the melodic ones, the Rodler brothers are the cherry on the cake for sure, the vocal parts are ok but not fantastic, but the instrumental passages are killer. The mood of the album, the complexity make to want more, but being not another album from the band released, you must check other bands where these musicians are involved and in same vein and attitude with Gratto. Check out Leger de Main, Hultber/Rodler, Mythologic and almost all bands from PMM label in one way or another these musicians are involved there. So Anankin tumnus is a well written album, very underrated IMO, with musicianshio of the highest class, maybe the production is little flat and the vocal parts without dynamics, but overall is great, musicaly speaking. 4 stars easy, I was realy surprised to see only 3 votes and 2 reviews so far, kinda low rated aswell. Recommended, will not be deseppointed album for sure, both prog metal fans and those who are into traditional progressive rock will be pleased to hear this, everything PMM label release over the years is top notch belive me, a small label but with excellent bands. Review by "b_olariu" (Prog Archives).

RATING:  8.25 / 10


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