quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2013

*. Stratovarius .*

Album: Nemesis (2013)
Genre: Prog Metal (Power Metal/Symphonic Metal)  /  Finland

Without disrespect to Timo's guitar skills, it's tempting to pull out the "Tolkki who?" line right now. Nothing could have prepared me for this. I was hoping it was going to be the album that blows the last Tolkki albums out of the water... and it is. And then some. It's their best since Visions! I can't believe this. The album is crammed full of stupidly good songs, such as Unbreakable, Halcyon Days, Fantasy, the insanely awesome Out of the Fog and the beautiful Castles in the Air which lets the band shine for a few moments without Koti's piercing voice. The whole album is just on such a high level. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't reinvent the wheel, not in the least. But at this point, what I want from Stratovarius is them taking risks or pulling off fluffy orchestras or experimental shit. I just want them to write good power metal and Nemesis is exactly that to me.  Review by "Razor45" (Rate Your Music).

RATING:  8.5 / 10   **FABULOUS**


3 comentários :

Rochacrimson disse...

Link deletado do Stratovarius...
East of Eden excelente! Se houver mais remasters de 2011...obrigadão!

The Forgotten Sons disse...

E ai blz, esse Mediafire tá foda, as vezes acontece isso, se vc for cadastrado nele este link funciona normal, to postando outro ....


Rochacrimson disse...

É o mediafire e o rapidshare...estão dando bronca pra caramba!

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