segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

*. Kenso .*

Album: Sora ni hikaru - Early live Vol 1 (1994)
Genre: Prog Rock (Heavy/Exp./Jazz/Symphonic)  /  Japan

If anyone EVER says to you that prog has no soul, strap them into a chair and play them this album. Balls to the wall energy from start to finish - even on Flairck's Prelude in Sofia. Masui sounds like it's going to explode. The performances are from little clubs, but the sound is clean, if sometimes reverby. If there is one criticism, it is of conservatism - unlike Live 92, there is little attempt to extemporise from the album templates, althought Sofia does develop a lovely groove, and there's real guts in the playing. Aside of that, just mind- blowing. 
Review by "Paul Stump" (Prog Archives).

RATING:  8 / 10


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