quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013

*. Kharmina Buranna .*

Album: Seres Humanos (2013)
Genre: Prog Rock (Symphonic Prog)  /  Peru

"Seres Humanos" continues in the same path as their debut, though they aren't as pointedly retro, and their sound has been updated ever so slightly. While the analog keyboards and production are still in full force, the composition style reminds me of the best bands of the early 90s. Gone is the blues rock, and in its place is a more stately sound with added female vocals. I hear a cross between Quaterna Requiem with Solstice in many places (though there is no violin). I found their new album no less enjoyable than the debut, despite a conscious move away from the early 70s style. The compositions are multi threaded and consistently engaging. Kharmina Buranna has certainly put forth a strong argument that they may be the best pure symphonic progressive rock band from South America today. Review by "ashratom" (Rate Your Music).

RATING:  8 / 10


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