sexta-feira, 18 de abril de 2014

*. Ossian .*

Album: The Carrying Stream (1997)
Genre: Prog Folk (Celtic/Scottish Folk)  /  UK

William Jackson, who plays the Celtic Harp with this group, is one of the best Celtic Harpers in the world. This album is a terrific blend of instrumentals and songs. I bought it after a concert I saw in Edinburgh (at the fringe) in 99, and it's been in my top 10 ever since. Everybody who's ever heard "Fisherrow" while in my car has smiled and asked "who is this?" before joining in the chorus! The song about the working man is as rousing as it is catch-- both musically and politically. Not a bad tune on it. One of my 20 favorite folk CDs. Review by "Gwen A Orel" (

RATING:  8 / 10


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