It is nearly impossible to qualitatively periodize Tabor's recorded output; all of it (with the exception of the record with the Oyster Band) is worth owning. It's not as if Tabor's early stuff is significantly better than her later work, it's a little different. In fact, I tend to play her later stuff as much, probably more than Airs and Graces, and I love that record. Angel Tiger is a perfect example of how well Tabor's voice has aged, becoming deeper and more luscious. On this disc, Elvis Costello gave her "All This Useless Beauty," and it's a stunning collaboration. She also brilliantly covers Billy Bragg's "Rumours of War," but the best track is a melancholy ballad entitled "Sudden Waves," which may be Tabor's greatest single moment on record. It's so rife with sadness, it's tough to listen to it without shedding a tear or two. Review by "John Dougan" (
RATING: 8 / 10
RATING: 8 / 10
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