quinta-feira, 15 de maio de 2014

*. The Blue Angel Lounge .*

Album: A Sea of Trees (2014)
Genre: Psychedelic Rock (Neo Psych/Shoegaze/Dark)  /  Germany

Once Winter sets in and Nils Ottensmeyer’s distinct vocals join in, it’s no wonder Germany’s The Blue Angel Lounge took their name from a NYC club that gave Nico some of her first live performances. Add in a little whiff of Ian Curtis and it’s crystal clear The Blue Angel Lounge are going to offer up something dark, moody and not without a little drama. A Sea of Trees crosses a few lines, dipping into a wider range of influences, if not genres, than most psych leaning bands for a chic, noirish vibe that may not be everyone’s cup of absinthe, but is always intriguing, and at times compelling. Their post-punk and new wave inclinations will undoubtedly appeal to the Interpol crowd, though they add more to the mix making A Sea of Trees far more interesting, harder to nail down and ultimately more substantial. Ingredients outside of the vocals such as the harmonium, a cavernous production and a hazy psych wobble and cadence all gel into a unique sound, as disjointed as it all may seem up front. Repeated listenings solidify their sound as much as reveal how deeply romantic, and melancholic, A Sea of Trees is. The Blue Angel Lounge is thoroughly committed to their persona as well as experimenting with how they mix their influences without losing what makes it an oddly accessible album and a darkly poppy one underneath the smoke. In fact, it’s not hard to imagine them in that same lounge under a pall of nicotine haze, heartbreak and longing. Their fidelity to everything that goes into A Sea of Trees quickly overshadows, and overtakes, what could easily come off as overly serious poetic posturing. Escapist? Absolutely. Isn’t that what everyone’s looking for? The Blue Angel Lounge simply chooses to focus on a character that doesn’t get what they’re looking for. Repeatedly. Sounds like the real world … just done in an otherworldly way, and even with the heightened sense of drama and mood, pretty intimate. Just like that lounge probably was. Review by "mr. atavist" (http://mratavist.com)

RATING:  ????????????????


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